New Patient Registration

Boundary Area

Catchment Area

We accept patients who live in Herefordshire within about 6 miles of Ross. This includes all of the HR9 Postcode area and some adjacent HR1 and HR2 areas.

To register please complete our registration form below and return to Pendeen Surgery.  (If you are not able to download a copy you can pick up a copy from reception).

When  you hand in your registration form please bring with you 2 forms of proof of identity and address:

  1. Photographic ID; such as a Passport or a driving license
  2. Proof of address; such as a utility bill or a bank statement.

(If you do not have a form of photographic ID please make sure you still bring in 2 forms of identification).

Once we have received your registration form we will notify the Health Authority who will instruct your previous GP Practice to close and transfer your medical record.  When your registration is complete you will be allocated to a “named GP” at Pendeen Surgery, but you can see any of the doctors working at the surgery and are not limited to seeing only your “named GP”.